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Working closely with the captain, crew and owner’s team, NMS is proactive and diligent in ensuring your superyacht operates safely and to full legal compliance.

Whether you are looking for operational assistance for a:


  • Yacht in compliance with the Passenger Yacht Code

  • Commercially registered yacht over 500GT

  • Commercial yacht of below 500GT in compliance with mini ISM and the

  • Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC)

  • Privately registered yacht of any size




Tailored Service for each vessel.


Our experienced team will ensure that your superyacht asset is managed and documented to a best-practice standard. From operating manuals and yacht certification monitoring, to 24/7 on-call assistance, our clients are in safe hands with the expert team at NMS.

NMS will be responsible for the safe running of the yacht, and will liaise with the Flag State and Classification Society to arrange for statutory surveys, audits and inspections. This includes ensuring the insurance is valid at all times and that the yacht does not pollute the environment.

We would tailor our service for the yacht, and would be available to support the Captain 24/7. We would act as the yacht’s’ “safety net” with regards to ensuring standards are maintained, and that safety circulars, information and training programs are issued to ensure the yacht keeps updated with changes to local and international regulations.

The Captain knows how to operate and run the yacht, and NMS would not disrupt that; but want to assist them as deemed suitable. By offering a tailored service, knowing we are available for whatever request they have, we aim to be an extension of the crew, offering a large team of skilled individuals to assist in the running of the yacht, with routine visits onboard to ensure compliance is maintained with the Safety Management System, Ship Security Plan and relevant Regulations.


Tailored Service for each vessel.

Our management department would visit the yacht a minimum of twice per year for an internal audit, and a mid-term management inspection, designed to assess the current status of the yacht with regards to condition and compliance. NMS would manage, and be accountable for, the yacht’s compliance with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, International Ship and Port Facility (ISPC) Code and the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC). We would fulfill the roles of the Designated Person Ashore (DPA) and Company Security Officer (CSO) for the above named Codes, along with being contracted to ensure the legal requirements of the ISM ‘Company’ and MLC ‘Shipowner’ are being met at all times.

NMS are audited by the Flag State a minimum of once per year to ensure we continue to operate within their parameters and we in turn have to ensure our insurances, licenses and professional subscriptions are in date and valid. As part of the service, Nautical MS can produce a monthly report to the owners summarising events of the past month, planned and specific items to be addressed in the coming month combined with a full financial report on expenses, budget vs actuals and summary which are associated with the financial management service also offered.

From PYC to full and mini ISM, our compliance management package includes:

  • Fulfilling the legal roles and responsibilities of the ISM ‘Company’ and MLC ‘Shipowner’, with a proactive approach to monitoring certification to ensure the yacht always remains compliant;

  • Crew certificate monitoring against safe manning requirements;

  • Keeping the yacht up-to-date with changes in specific and generic legislation and codes of practice that may affect its safe and legal operation;

  • Monitoring and enforcing the standards of compliance with the relevant codes and conventions applicable to the yacht through a system of audits and inspections;

  • Global Response Centre for 24-hour emergency assistance, conducting live drills with the yacht and its crew to ensure competence and familiarity with emergency protocols and procedures.

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