A high performing vessel is only possible with a high performing team on board.
We work hard to ensure we recruit and select well, and then manage the team on board to maximise the performance of the vessel.
We work with a range of high-quality recruiters and manning agents to ensure that the team on board are safe and capable for the required ship and trade type.
Focusing on long term relationships and low turnover of crew, we recognise that you get the crew you deserve and that we have to make time and effort to develop a safe and capable culture on board.
We work closely with marine training facilities and colleges to develop training packages and courses necessary for added value skills and experience to ensure a better level of training and engagement through learning.

Recent examples include bespoke bridge ‘Command and Control’ courses at South Tyneside College’s state of the art simulation centre, putting our captains and bridge teams through their paces in the simulator to better prepare them for contingencies and to build a strong bond between onboard and office teams.
Using our Horizon ship management software, which incorporates a crew resource management module, we are able to minimise the paperwork and coordination issues around signing on and paying off processes, as well as ensuring that crew compliance is monitored every day to help prevent unexpected expiries of training courses and statutory or competency certification.
With the current challenges around COVID 19, we have adapted our processes and procedures to match best in class safety and security, flexibly adapting to governmental and regional regulations to ensure strong operational responses to the ongoing challenges, and to ensure our crews come first as we charter this uncertain period.